Friday, July 19, 2013

Day trip wth Tammy | June 2013

Hooray for new girlfriends!! Tammy asked me if I'd like to join her to a lovely wooded hide away (aka her folks house) one Saturday afternoon. I happily obliged! There is something about being outside, especially in the mountains, with no cell phone service that gives me great peace. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and being away from the hustle and bustle of town was just what this girl needed! I was looking forward to meeting Tammy's kitty Kona and enjoying time with my new friend!

We stopped on top of the mountain to get a look at the view

As expected, the Valley is so beautiful.

Tammy taking it all in :)


When Tammy and I arrived, I gasped at how beautiful the property was! (its been passed down, Tammy's dad ACTUALLY grew up on this very spot! Picture of old house-now wood shop-later). The trees were as high as the sky, the flowers were lush and full of color and the ANTIQUES. Oh be still my 80 year old heart!! They were everywhere!! So much charm and history there...I was in heaven. I hope you enjoy the photos! Thanks for visiting!
Tammy's mother is the culprit who planted these gorgeous flowers! ;)

Tammy's cat Kona came out of the woods as soon as he saw Tammy! He was such a lover! Cool, cool cat. Tammy and I actually spent a lot of our day laying in the grass with Kona.

This guy, so sweet.  

Bridge to Tammy's parents, it was hand built and sturdy as a rock!

This was the view looking up while headed down the driveway. Heaven!

Tammy and Kona taking a walk with me while I photograph.

See, he's a lover!

Deer repellant: CD's, hubcaps, and siding. :)

Old cars! I geeked out a bit. ;)

The below photo was one of my favorites of the day. :)


Below is the wood shed, this wood shed used to b the home that Tammy's dad grew up in!
 (hence the baby shoes hanging at one of the entrances)

Leaving town we stopped for Tammy's fix: powdered donuts and a Coca-Cola. I love this picture. It embodies "small town" with the mounted deer head with a ball cap, reflection of the mountains, check station sign. I love the Valley and I feel so blessed to live in this beautiful place.
 Thanks for reading friends! -Danielle